Wednesday 14 December 2011


As I have agreed to filming some more footage for my music video I need new, greater ideas. It is not very easy to think of new ideas as I have used many interesting ideas for my video. As, I have showed my music video to my friends one of them has suggested to look at bath scenes from Leona Lewis and Avril Lavigne music videos. This is because they are suicidal. At first I did not understand how a bath scene could relate to my music video but as I have watched these videos I have found an interest in them. My new idea would include a suicide bath scene just before the artist smashes the mirror. This is to show that she is desperate to get away from her self and does not know what to do. As she goes under the water she gets an easier idea of getting away from her self, which of course is smashing the mirror. Here are the music videos which include the bath scenes:

The bath scene starts at 3:37

The bath scene starts at 2:24

To fill in the gap one idea is not enough. So I have simply thought of an idea using the broken mirror that I still have at home. My new idea of using this mirror is mea walking on the mirror in the dark while a torch is shinning just on my feet. This would be an interesting shot, and would represent the artist walking all over her self, showing the power that she has over herself as she has finally gotten away from her self.

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